I'll meet a woman at a business meeting
or dinner party... watch her strolling
through Central Park with her daughter,
or practicing Yoga next to me at the Shala
on Sunday morning... and I'll find myself
at brunch or back at my Studio sketching
out a pair of earrings or a ring I think
would become her.
So too were each pair of cuff links inspired
by one of the many interesting men I have
met -- a painter, a jazz musician, an
investment banker, a lawyer, a doctor, a
chef... A man dresses up with a minimum
of accessories, and to me cuff links are the
most elegant, classic and mysterious choice.
Whether it is someone I know or a perfect
stranger, the women and men with whom I
come into contact each day -- their energy,
their passion for what they do, their personal
styles -- are the inspiration behind every
piece of jewelry I've ever designed.